Saturday, February 11, 2012

11 FEB 2012, SAT: SEA & World

Southeast Asia

Malaysia arrests Saudi blogger over blasphemous tweets

Arab News - 
By REUTERS KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police have arrested a Saudi blogger who fled his country after making insulting comments on Twitter about the Last Prophet (pbuh), prompting a surge of online outrage and calls for his execution.

Ministry to get tough against unregistered illegals and their employers

Malaysia Star - 
By ZUHRIN AZAM AHMAD and IWAN SHU-ASWAD SHUAIB PUTRAJAYA: After all the coaxing and the extensions, the Home Ministry is ready to get tough.

Four accused in bomb plot must face charges in US, court says

TODAYonline - 
SINGAPORE - The Subordinate Court has ruled in favour of the extradition of four Singaporeans who have been charged in the United States for allegedly smuggling radio parts to Iran for making bombs.

Forced Eviction 'Illegal'

Radio Free Asia - 
Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung called Friday for a revamp of the country's land management policies as he criticized the forced eviction of an ex-Vietnamese soldier turned farmer who had used explosives to resist a government ...

Abalos arraignment reset

Journal Online - 
THE arraignment of former Commission on Elections Chairman Benjamin Abalos Sr. on Monday was moved to another date by the Pasay City Regional Trial Court after the prosecution side agreed to resolve first all the three pending motions of the defense ...

Pirates seize ship with Pinoy crew

Journal Online - 
THE Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) yesterday confirmed that a Greek-owned, Liberian-flagged bulk carrier with 21 Filipino seamen on board was seized by Somali pirates.

Singapore, China agree to boost bilateral ties

Straits Times - 
The drive to draw closer was announced during a meeting between China's Vice-Premier Li Keqiang and visiting Singapore Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam, who was making an introductory trip to the Chinese capital.

Manila wants to retain gear in warship from US

Gulf Today - 
By Manolo B. Jara MANILA: The Philippine government asked the US to leave intact vital equipment in the second warship Washington has agreed to give to boost the country's defence capabilities due to increasing tension from the dispute on the Spratly ...

Taiwanese-led 'Macau Cheats' spare Malaysians

Malaysia Star - 
GEORGE TOWN: Although Penang was used by a Taiwanese-led international Internet fraud syndicate as its base of operation, no Malaysian had fallen victim to the scam.

Public Row Erupts Between Tribunal Judges

Voice of America - 
Friday, 10 February 2012 Public Row Erupts Between Tribunal Judges Reporters,VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh and Washington, DC “This situation raises serious concerns about the lack of impartiality of Mr.

Filipino civil servant earns $295 a month and drives a Porsche

Straits Times - 
MANILA - On the surface, it looked like any old road-rage case, except that this one escalated well beyond the everyday realm of fisticuffs.

RM1.27tril trade high

Malaysia Star - 
By MAZWIN NIK ANIS and SARBAN SINGH SEREMBAN: Malaysia's total trade reached a record high of RM1.27tril last year and this is testimony that the Barisan Nasional government manages the economy well, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Guard, robber killed in foiled heist - 
By Nathaniel R. Melican Security escorts of an armored van figured in a shoot-out with holdup men yesterday morning at Alabang Town Center in Muntinlupa City, leaving a security guard and one of the robbers dead.

TESDA launches mobile classroom

Philippine Star - 
President Aquino delivers his message during the launch of the government's mobile classroom program at the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority auditorium in Taguig City yesterday.

Drug smuggling reason for dip in shabu price

Journal Online - 
CAMP VICENTE LIM -- The unabated smuggling of illegal drugs, particularly methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu), is among the reasons why the price of the illegal substance has plummeted, according to an official of the Philippine Drug Enforcement ...

Malaysian Muslims warned not to celebrate Valentine's Day

Asian Correspondent - 
By Yong Yen Nie Feb 10, 2012 9:28PM UTC Every year, just days before Valentine's Day is celebrated in Malaysia and other parts of the world, Muslim authorities would forewarned Malaysian Muslims to refrain from commemorating the ministry of St.

Police: Raja Petra should lodge report

New Straits Times - 
By LEE SHI-IAN | 0 comments KUALA LUMPUR: Blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin should lodge a report if he has fresh leads in the murder of former Master Builders Association Malaysia president Datuk Patrick Wong, instead of posting “assumptions” on the ...

'No trace of tear gas on cabbie'

Malaysia Star - 
KUALA LUMPUR: A Coroner's Court heard that there was no tear gas chemical detected on taxi driver Baharudin Ahmad's body and clothes.

Indonesia says would study any barter approach from Iran

Business Recorder (blog) - 
Indonesia, the world's top palm oil producer, would study any approach by Iran to trade by barter, it said on Friday, as tightening sanctions hurt Iran's ability to pay for basic staples.


Today We Are All Syrians

Huffington Post (blog) - 
It breaks my heart to watch Syria explode into violence. Let's face it: the international community has failed miserably in Syria, giving President Bashar al-Assad a "license to kill," in the words of the Qatari foreign minister.

Trouble in the Maldives: Will Islamists Take Over Paradise?

TIME (blog) - 
By Ishaan Tharoor | @ishaantharoor | February 10, 2012 | + Eranga Jayawardena / AP Maldives' former President Mohamed Nasheed, center, waves to wellwishers as he marches with his supporters in Male, Maldives, Friday, Feb. 10, 2012.

Argentina: Falkands are Britain's 'last refuge of declining empire' - 
Argentina has claimed Britain is treating the Falkland Islands as the "last refuge of declining empire" as it urged the United Nations to stop the "militarisation" of the area.

Egyptian Activists Plan to Escalate Protests Against Military Rule

New York Times (blog) - 
By ROBERT MACKEY Thousands of Egyptian activists marched to the ministry of defense in Cairo on Friday, demanding an end to military rule as the country prepares to mark the first anniversary of former President Hosni Mubarak's resignation.

Madonna stalker caught after escaping from mental hospital

CNN - 
By Kareen Wynter and Michael Martinez Los Angeles (CNN) -- A man convicted of stalking singer Madonna, and who once threatened to knife her, was arrested Friday, a week after he escaped from a Southern California mental hospital, police said.

Pakistan SC dismisses Gilani's appeal in contempt case

The Hindu - 
The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Friday dismissed the intra court appeal filed by Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani against the Apex Court's February 2 order asking him to appear before it on February 13 to be formally charged with contempt.

Under fire, Obama adjusts his birth control policy

Seattle Post Intelligencer - 
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. speaks about birth control and contraceptive coverage, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.

FBI releases background check file on Steve Jobs

allvoices - 
By Jennifer Rees The FBI has made public a 10-year-old background check file it had maintained on Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The file noted Jobs' early drug use besides citing interviews with people who hold that he distorted reality.

Why CPAC swoons over Santorum's fury

CNN International - 
By Timothy Stanley, Special to CNN Editor's note: Timothy Stanley is a historian at Oxford University and blogs for the Daily Telegraph.

World Press Photo of the Year chosen - 
Spanish photographer Samuel Aranda has won the 2011 World Press Photo of the Year award for an image of a veiled woman holding a wounded relative in her arms after a demonstration in Yemen.

Suu Kyi on campaign trail for own parliament seat

AFP - 
KAWHMU, Myanmar - Myanmar's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi will on Saturday begin campaigning in the constituency near Yangon where she is standing for parliament after years of official marginalisation.

Italy: Wrecked cruise ship moves in rough seas

Kansas City Star - 
AP Oil recovery experts return to the harbor of the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, after docking a barge to the grounded cruise ship Costa Concordia, in the background, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012.

Serb arrested in Spain over Djindjic killing

euronews - 
Spanish police have arrested a man convicted over the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. Vladimir Milisavljevic was detained along with two other men in a restaurant in Valencia.

Malaysia arrests Saudi blogger over blasphemous tweets

Arab News - 
By REUTERS KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police have arrested a Saudi blogger who fled his country after making insulting comments on Twitter about the Last Prophet (pbuh), prompting a surge of online outrage and calls for his execution.

Santorum opposes allowing women to serve in combat

San Francisco Chronicle - 
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum says he thinks it would be wrong to allow women to serve in combat. As one reason, Santorum cites "the emotions of men.

With Vatican's Backing, Catholics Address Sex Abuse

NPR - 
by Sylvia Poggioli Cardinal Marc Ouellet presides over a penitential Mass at St. Ignatius Church in Rome on Tuesday. The Mass, which asked for the forgiveness of victims of clerical sexual abuse, was part of a Vatican-backed symposium addressing the ...

Smiling Kelly returns as 'Good Day' anchor

Newsday - 
Entertainment Newsday > Entertainment Smiling Kelly returns as 'Good Day' anchor Originally published: February 10, 2012 5:40 PM Updated: February 10, 2012 6:00 PM By VERNE GAY verne.

Russian Leftists Plan More Anti-Putin Protests

Forbes - 
Russia's Communist Party won't leave Vladimir Putin alone. More protests are scheduled for this month. Moscow city government awarded protesters a permit to march in Manezhnaya Square on Feb. 23 in the heart of the city.

Former Panamanian Strongman Released From Hospital - 
(Panama City) -- Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega has been discharged from a hospital and returned to prison. Tests indicated the 77-year old Noriega didn't have a stroke as doctors had earlier thought.

US Troop Shift to Guam May Ease Tensions With Japan Over Okinawa Bases

Bloomberg - 
Enlarge image Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba said at a press conference today, “We are committed to reducing the burden on ...

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