Sunday, November 20, 2011

20 NOV 2011, SUN: Sci & Tech


Life-saving 3D-printed 'spider' coming soon?

GMANews.TV - 
A group of researchers in Germany has created a 3D-printed "spider" that can help rescue teams save lives by venturing into areas too dangerous for humans.

Large Hadron Collider to get big upgrade in 2020

GMANews.TV - 
GENEVA (Reuters) - Physicists from around the globe launched a major programme on Wednesday aimed at converting the LHC "Big Bang" particle collider at CERN near Geneva into a vastly more powerful cosmic research machine by the year 2020.

3Degrees, City CarShare Partner to Provide Renewable Energy for EVs (blog) - 
3Degrees will provide Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for new electric vehicles entering City CarShare's fleet later this year.

World's lightest material is here

Times of India - 
CALIFORNIA: A metal developed by a team of researchers from University of California at Irvine, HRL Laboratories and the California Institute of Technology is shown resting on a dandelion fluff without damaging it.

NASA's Mars mission delayed a day.

The Flame Trench - 
The launch of the nation's next Mars explorer, Curiosity, was delayed a day until Saturday, Nov. 26. The 24-hour delay will allow a team to remove and replace a flight termination system battery on the Atlas V rocket that will hoist the Mars Science ...


Ice Cream Sandwich Android To Be Released to Sony Ericsson Xperia Phones

Planet Insane - 
A confirmation was recently released by Sony Ericsson on the Ice Cream Sandwich Android OS update for some of the Xperia smartphones of the company.

Sponsored stories heading to Facebook's real-time ticker

100gf | Politics and Computers - 
Sponsored stories are starting to be included in Facebook's real-time ticker for the first time, as part of a push to make advertising on the site more 'relevant'.

Kindle Fire and Amazon's credit card strategy - 
Amazon's new product competing against the iPad and Android tablets, the so-cheap Kindle Fire. Resurrected from the archive, the news about Amazon's Kindle Fire strategy to compete against the iPad and other Android tablets has resurfaced online.

Google's Next Targets: iTunes and Amazon Music

PCWorld - 
By PCWorld Video, PCWorld Nov 18, 2011 3:17 PM Google has announced a new service, Google Music, that's cheaper than both the $20 Amazon MP3, and Apple's $25 iTunes Match.

UK police foil attack on royal website

GMANews.TV - 
Now it can be told: British police managed to prevent a 16-year-old from "disrupting" the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton last April 29.

Facebook 'eliminates most of porn image spam attack'

BBC News - 
Facebook said it has rid its site of most of the pornographic and violent images posted as part of a spam attack. The social network blamed a browser vulnerability and said it was improving its systems to defend itself against similar attacks in the ...

Google+ rolls out trending topics

GMANews.TV - 
Seemingly taking a page from micro-blogging site Twitter, Google's upcoming social network Google+ has silently rolled out trending topics within Google+ Search.

Video: surfer rides 90 foot wave in Portugal, breaks world record

Gadling - 
It's one thing to go to the beach to catch some waves in Portugal, but it's an entirely different thing to catch a 90 foot wave successfully, breaking a world record.

There's more to life than Facebook

Times and Transcript - 
What is the name of the social networking website that allows you to communicate with your friends from across the globe? Where can you update your friends by just the click of a few buttons?

Illinois Water System Victim Of Cyber Attack

Imassera News - 
November 19, 2011- Investigators are looking at a report that says hackers were able to shut down a water pump from a remote location.

Purity In Pakistan: Government Bans Text Messages With Obscenity – Or the Word ...

Cell phone carriers in Pakistan are scrambling to implement a ban on obscene text messages handed down by the government. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) sent the country's three ...

Assassin's Creed Revelations – review

The Guardian - 
Historical epic, metaphysical mystery, grand conspiracy - no one can accuse the Assassin's Creed games of lacking scope or ambition.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – review

The Guardian - 
I'll keep this simple. If you own a Wii, then buy this game. If you have ever enjoyed a Zelda adventure, buy this game. And do so even if 25 years of not-entirely-dissimilar titles, an obstinate refusal to get over your personal favourite and an ...

Developer Samsung Galaxy Nexus Unit May Have Been Released to Client

Planet Insane - 
The sale of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus recently started in the UK market and reports have indicated that the device from Samsung (SEO:005930) is supposedly a developer unit.

World's lightest material is here

Times of India - 
CALIFORNIA: A metal developed by a team of researchers from University of California at Irvine, HRL Laboratories and the California Institute of Technology is shown resting on a dandelion fluff without damaging it.

Week in Apple: Steve Jobs bio review, iTunes Match, and iOS 5.0.1

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Ars Technica - 
Why did Steve Jobs cry so much? What's the deal with the iOS 5.0.1 update? How does iTunes Match work? How did Siri's protocol get reverse-engineered?

US Army Tests Hypersonic Weapon Prototype

Skim That - 
The US Army has recently tested a bomb, called Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), that can reach ballistic missile speeds and has directional controls.

1600 Modern Warfare 3 cheaters banned, fix coming - 
Infinity Ward has been on a mass-banning spree as numerous glitches are being found and exploited by cheaters in Modern Warfare 3. Upwards of 1600 players have been banned so far and we expect many more to come.

Apple rumor watch: iPad 3 March, iPhone 5 LTE

Computerworld (blog) - 
The Apple [AAPL] rumor machine kicks into high gear this weekend, as veteran iWebsite, iLounge, claims a well-sourced rumor: that the iPad 3 ships in March while the iPhone 5 will boast a metal back and LTE support.

Are you using one of the 25 worst passwords?

It's probably no surprise, but the worst password to use is, in fact, "password." Others topping the list are: 123456, qwerty, monkey and dragon.

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